kRestackĪre you sick of having items in your items in your bags which are able to be stacked but are all over the place in individual piles? Well this fixes that for you automatically. Also looks somewhat pretty with various skins available. You have full control over which items go into where, amongst other things which makes it infinitely easier for you to find items in your bags. This is a great bag addon, which sorts all of your items into categories. This addon allows you to program various ‘bars’ into your UI which show you the remaining cooldown of the abilities you specify it allows you to track your enemies’ abilities and your team mates making it the true successor to Kollektiv’s Interrupt Bar. This keeps track of all the arena games you have played, while keeping note of damage done, healing done, various specs and of course how many times you won against that team.

This is a working replacement for Arena Historian. They provide a wealth of information which you have full control over. These are simply the best arena unit frames available to you. This is one of those addons which should be built into the default UI, as practically everyone I know uses this addon already. This addon allows you to save your action bar layouts across your account and instantaneously reload them with a command, which really makes activities like re-specing and boosting a lot easier. No real need to explain what this addon does, but it’s probably the best at what it does. Those 4 sites will have every addon you will ever need or want, providing of course you’re willing to follow our advice or look around for yourself.

We get a lot of questions on the forums and in the chat room about which addons you should use and which would suggest you use, so we decided to put together a relatively brief guide into which addons we at Hydramist would use if we were actively using them in arena and battlegrounds.