You can reach the Arbiter by getting to the bottom of the irradiated underground area. member 1 posts 0 kudos 08 January 2021, 3:35PM. It is initiated when Dragonborn receives a letter from Cassia, requesting help. You'll need to solve it using your wits, and the ability to travel through time. Well it only happens to me in the forgotten city. Nexus Mods Forums Chat Bug Reports Buy Premium More Sign In Create Account The Nexus Forums Terms and Policies View New Content The Forgotten City Started by Site Bot, … *** - posted in General Skyrim Discussion: I was just wondering if anyone else played the forgotten city mod where youre in the time looped dwarven city.

Make sure to leave a like and subscribe for more! The Forgotten City is an excellent quest mod. I cant reorder it for some reason cause the game simply refuses to DO it.

It has been downloaded millions of times and even won a Writers' Guild Award. This can be done by talking him down, either by passing a speech check, or by killing him once and taking his helmet, going back in time, then talking to him again, which bypasses the speech check. It is a critically acclaimed expansion mod offering a unique 6 - 8 hour experience: a murder mystery investigation set in an ancient underground city. Forget-Me-Not is a quest added by the Skyrim mod The Forgotten City. ***SPOILERS! I was told by the scholar Brol that there had to be some kind of Judge that lived underground, pulling the strings of the Dwarves’ Law. And soon it will be re-released as its own game set in an. I don't think there is a way to have both soundtracks at the same time, but I had the same problem after completing Forgotten City. Bethesda Game Studios for Skyrim and the Creation Kit The Modding Community for the inspiration Kris Takahashi for the tips on finding voice actors Pixel Sagas for the Dwemer font.