Far later down the time line than the game, the last King of Gondor, Eärnur, does however supposedly die in a duel against the Witch-King, taking place in Minas Morgul. The big arena in the game is probably also made-up, as there's no mentioning of one in the books. The "seeing mini-towers" (I forgot what they were called) are however entirely made up by the game designers and don't exist in the books. This matches the game fairly well: they have the bridge, the white walls etc and they probably did at least a bit of research there.
Large meadows were placed on both banks of the stream. The city was accessed by a road, which was said to gleam like the city's white marble walls, running over a bridge as it crossed Imlad Morgul. The city also had one tall tower, with many windows, that rotated slowly. The moon cast silver light throughout the courtyards and streets, and reflected off the marble walls, so that it seemed to shine. In its prime, Minas Ithil was a beautiful place. Quoting Tolkien Gateway (which in turn quotes The Two Towers, "The Stairs of Cirith Ungol"), it looked like this: There's not a lot of detail describing the city in the books, other than that it is located in a mountainous valley. Given that the size of the city Minas Ithil isn't great in the game, I'd say the size is fairly accurate - and I would expect it to be smaller than Minas Tirith in the Third Age.
When Osgiliath fell (far later than Minas Ithil), Minas Anor/Tirith became the new capital and probably grew quite a bit from there on - although it's not really clear how much of Minas Tirith that is Anarion's original design and how much that has been added later. The capital of Gondor was the large city Osgiliath located between them. Regarding the city's size: neither Minas Ithil nor Minas Anor were big cities originally. First of all, the game is inspired by the movies more so than the books.