Fallout new vegas accuracy mod
Fallout new vegas accuracy mod

fallout new vegas accuracy mod fallout new vegas accuracy mod

I guess I'm just used to seeing heads explode from on top of a cliff after one shot. The only mods I'm using are ones like 'Weapons of the New Millenia' and 'Dragonskin Tactical Outfit'. Originally posted by wowcraftify:Now that I think about it more carefully it probably is classified as an SMG, it has a ridiculously high RoF and I practically flip over backwards with the amount of recoil from full-auto fire. Try testing it on the water or something, see how long it takes to splash as you aim further and further out. Try leading the targets by a bit, get a feel for the distance, I had the same problem when I first started using a modded L96A1, I kept missing until I got a feel for the travel time of the bullet. I've learned through testing that if you can see it, you can hit it. It would sound as though you're using an SMG disguised as an AR if anything. If you don't have one of these mods installed then bullet drop and wind do not exist. By adding realistic ballistics to bullets, including wind and corealis(Spelling?) The curvature of the earth. There are mods on the new vegas nexus which can make things. I love this game to pieces and have no problem using VATS but I just want to be able to have a decent firefight at range, any ideas?ĭo you, have realistic ballistics installed? If not then you need to start leading the targets considerably with the short range weapons, Guns have a pretty terrible hitscan dealy in this game.

fallout new vegas accuracy mod

Is it a design feature (limited draw distance so I guess it would make sense to limit the range)? Or are there realistic factors I'm just not considering like bullet drop and wind? Or is it purely the mods I'm using and SMGs disguised as ARs and carbines? Why? Am I just really bad? I like to think not, they're definitely in my sights and I have max guns skill and trigger discipline. I'm firing in short controlled bursts and missing everything but when I enter VATS I have a 60%+ chance to hit the head and insta-kill them. The weapons I've been using are awful at any sort of mid/long range firefights, I can't hit anything over about 300ft away, miss well over 50% of the time at the 200ft range (purely guessing the distance but still child's play for any sort of rifle) and only start to have any real effect in CQC. I always used to end up with some kind of DMR or sniper rifle by the end of the game so I decided to switch it up a bit this time and now have an M4 Carbine I got from a mod I installed (basically an assault carbine with a red dot sight). Something that I've only really thought about recently is the effective range of most weapons (referring to guns).

Fallout new vegas accuracy mod